This is a great blog post from Relay Station Social Media – How iShares Social Media Strategy Focuses on Content Consumption.  The article provides some topical insights on iShares, one of the Industries leading Social Media (and digital marketing) operators.

Our own syndicated Social Media Research (covering the Investment Management) industry consistently demonstrates that iShares understand, better then most Investment Management brands, the conversational protocol of Social Media.

Leading on from the RelayStation blog post they actively share interesting third party content – more often from their tiered list of key influencers.


A sophisticated syndication strategy was also used. iShares social media team ranks syndication sites by tiers and reaches out to them one by one. Here is how they are divided up:

  • Tier 1 — well known sources/high traffic
  • Tier 2 — less known/up and comers
  • Tier 3 — individual influencers
  • Tier 4 — strategic partners’ intranet sites
  • Tier 5 — other influencers/celebrities

Industry Adoption Rates of Social Media:

Too many mid-size and smaller firms, unfortunately, are still trying to figure out what this Twitter thing is all about. But that will change soon enough.

When the RelayStation blog post was written in March 2012, the writer estimated that 70 percent of larger asset management and insurance firms anticipate they will be blogging within the next year, if they haven’t already started.

In the UK Retail market our quarterly research reveals a recent explosion in Social Media adoption and usage by Investment Management firms (and the wider Adviser community) – in this market it is clear regulatory changes (namely RDR) has been the catalyst.


To obtain a complementary sample of the Social Media Intelligence – Retail Distribution Review (RDR) UK Report please contact our New Media Marketing Manager, Eben Hocking []